Sustainability Promotion Structure of Gakken Group

Gakken Group recognizes the fundamental role that sustainability plays in ensuring the enduring growth of its education and healthcare-nursing enterprises. Consequently, the onus of spearheading sustainability initiatives rests with the Board of Directors, the authoritative body responsible for steering management decisions. The Board not only assumes the role of promoting sustainability but also embraces a crucial monitoring and supervisory function, addressing critical social and environmental concerns. This approach aligns seamlessly with the broader perspective of corporate management ‒ one that seeks to cultivate value both in terms of economic prosperity and social impact.
In October 2021, the Group formed a Sustainability Committee under the Board of Directors, the highest decision-making body, to drive sustainability efforts. Chaired by Gakken Holdings' representative director and comprising full-time directors, the committee convenes biannually to shape the Group's sustainability policy, determine action guidelines and strategies and oversee and evaluate initiatives.
In October 2022, with an enhanced focus on sustainability, the three subcommittees under the main Committee underwent restructuring, accompanied by the establishment of the Corporate Sustainability Division as the secretariat.
The Integrated Disclosure Subcommittee, depicted in the diagram below, reinforces interdepartmental connections and propels sustainability initiatives. This subcommittee facilitates information sharing, fosters conversations, and cultivates collaborations with stakeholders. The Supply Chain Management Subcommittee has initiated the accurate identification and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, along with responsible procurement, as pivotal steps toward constructing a sustainable supply chain. Simultaneously, the Human Capital Subcommittee collaborates with Group companies to collect human capital-related information and formulate personnel-related policies. We have also appointed a director in charge of sustainability promotion at our operating companies. Under their responsibility, each company conducts business activities in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, in accordance with decisions made by the Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors.