A sustainable society that leaves no one behind is one in which human rights are truly respected. Gakken Group considers human rights to be fundamental to our corporate activities, as we aim to help everyone have fulfilling lives. We have established the Gakken Group Human Rights Policy and officially announce that we aim to realize a society that respects human rights.

Gakken Group Human Rights Policy

1.Basic Philosophy

Gakken Group mission: “We hope everyone has fulfilling lives. To this end, we provide inspiration, satisfaction, peace of mind for today, and dreams and hopes for tomorrow.”
After the war, the founder witnessed the devastation in Japan and stood up for children’s education. To nurture the children who will carry the future is to build a bright future. Starting from this point, we are now developing our business not only for children, but also for “people” who support the present and build the future. The reason why our business is deeply related to people is based on the fact that society is made up of “people”. We believe that society can be truly enriched when everyone can have fulfilling lives.
An important element in achieving this is human rights. We believe that human rights represent “the right to live as one’s own person.” We strongly believe it is our mission, as we are deeply involved with people, to respect these rights and not allow anyone to infringe on them. Based on this recognition, we have established the Gakken Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”).

2.Compliance with International Standards, Laws and Regulations on Human Rights

■Respect for international human rights standards

We support and respect human rights as stated in the International Bill of Human Rights, the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and are committed to promoting responsible management based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Global Compact Ten Principles, and the UN Children’s Rights and Business Principles, among others.


■Compliance with laws

We comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate. In the unlikely event that there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we do business, we will respect and comply with international human rights standards.

3.Human Rights Issues of Importance

■Respect for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I)

We respect the diversity of each individual and provide fair opportunities for creating an environment in which all people can fully realize their potential.

■Elimination of discrimination and prohibition of harassment
We shall eliminate all forms of discrimination and prohibit harassment or any conduct that offends personal dignity based on race, ethnicity, color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, language, religion, creed, social standing, family structure, disability, employment status, or any other status.

■Respect for children’s rights
In order to respect the rights of children, we support the four principles in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, strive to prevent harm to children, and proactively protect their interests.

■Prohibition of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking
We respect the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, prohibit the labor and employment of workers under the legal minimum age for employment in the countries and regions in which we or our suppliers operate and will not use such workers. We also prohibit and do not use forced labor, bonded labor, prison labor, labor by means such as modern slavery, human trafficking, and debt bondage.

■Promoting the creation of a safe working environment
We shall comply with labor-related laws and regulations, ensure a safe and comfortable working environment, maintain and promote the physical and mental health of our employees, and promote the creation of a safe working environment for all employees under appropriate working conditions.

4.Initiatives to Fulfill our Responsibilities to Respect Human Rights

■Implementation of human rights due diligence

We will conduct human rights due diligence on an ongoing basis. We will also identify any apparent or potential negative human rights impacts on our various stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, and local communities affected by our business activities or services, and work to prevent or mitigate such impacts.br />  

■Dialogue and communication with stakeholders

We recognize the need for collaboration with various stakeholders in addressing apparent or potential negative human rights impacts and will promote dialogue and communication with them.

■Redress and remediation

In the event that we cause negative human rights impacts through our business activities or services, we will strive to make improvements and will take redress and remedial measures. In addition, even if we do not directly contribute to negative human rights impacts, if our business activities or services cause negative human rights impacts on suppliers or other related parties, we will work with stakeholders to make improvements.

■System for receiving consultation

We will establish a system for stakeholders involved in our business activities to consult on and report any conduct that may negatively impact human rights.

■Education and training

We will reflect the Policy in the necessary procedures to ensure that it takes root throughout our business activities and is effectively implemented, and will provide appropriate education and training to all employees employed by Gakken Group to ensure that the Policy is understood and effectively implemented.

■Information disclosure

We will disclose the progress of our human rights initiatives based on the Policy on our website and in our Integrated Reports.

5.Scope of Application and Operation System

■Scope of application

The Policy applies to all employees of the Group, including directors, executive officers, all employees (regular, contact, and temporary employees), and all persons working for Gakken Group, including employees on secondment and dispatched staff. We also encourage our business partners and suppliers to understand the Policy, expect them to support and comply with it, and work together to promote respect for human rights.

■Policy operation structure

We have established the Sustainability Committee as a driving force behind the Policy and the Supply Chain Management Subcommittee. The Sustainability Committee is chaired by the President and Representative Director of Gakken Holdings, who is responsible for the implementation of the Policy. Under the above structure, Gakken Holdings will conduct activities to disseminate the Policy both internally and externally.

Established March 2023
President and Representative Director
Hiroaki Miyahara

Human Rights Issues of Importance and Specific Initiatives

Human Rights Issues of Importance

  • Respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Elimination of discrimination and prohibition of harassment
  • Respect for the rights of children
  • Prohibit child labor, forced labor, and trafficking of persons
  • Promoting the creation of a safe and secure work environment

Initiatives to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights

  • Implementation of human rights due diligence
  • Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders
  • Correction and redress of human rights violations
  • Enhancement of mechanisms for receiving consultation
  • Education and training
  • Disclosure of information

Human Rights Due Diligence System and Initiatives

With the ongoing globalization of corporate operations, companies are increasingly tasked with respecting human rights not only within their own workforce but also among their stakeholders worldwide, encompassing both Japan and other countries. This includes addressing issues such as forced labor, child labor, discrimination, and other forms of inequality that may arise within the supply chain.
To address these concerns, we have been engaged in human rights due diligence since 2021 in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Upholding human rights and mitigating associated risks serve as the bedrock of our corporate endeavors. Our commitment involves consistently implementing the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle of human rights due diligence to foster business practices that uphold the human rights of consumers, clients, employees, partners, and all stakeholders. Our ultimate aim is to contribute to the realization of a society where "everyone has fulfilling lives."
Furthermore, between 2021 and 2022, we conducted comprehensive interviews with 33 group companies to gauge their human rights response efforts.
Through this process, we identified the necessity of explicitly articulating our position against forced labor, child labor, and unethical procurement practices, and encompassing areas like occupational safety, privacy rights, anti-corruption, consumer well-being, as well as protection from harassment and discrimination. These identified human rights risks are of paramount importance to us. We are committed to sharing these findings internally and fostering collaborative discussions with diverse stakeholders to strategize and implement effective measures that enhance our approach and mitigate associated risks.

Education and Training on Human Rights

In August 2022, we initiated an internal remote training program titled "Exploring Human Rights Risk Management." During this session, we disseminated fundamental insights into business and human rights while also presenting an overview of the Group's ongoing efforts in the realm of business and human rights.
Throughout FY9/2022, within the Human Capital Development Subcommittee of the Sustainability Committee, we established Human Rights Enlightenment Promotion Committees within each individual Group company. These committees undertook the responsibility of providing training to all employees in their respective entities.
As part of our annual agenda, the chairperson of each company's committee delineates a human rights awareness policy to set the tone for the upcoming year's awareness-raising endeavors. For FY9/2022, the chosen policy was "Exploring Strategies to Eliminate Power Harassment." With this as a foundation, comprehensive company-wide training (made mandatory) was conducted.
Furthermore, on August 25, 2022, we hosted a special training session titled "Harnessing Human Rights in the Workplace: Key Principles in Creating a Harassment-Free Environment" (with Mr. Ryo Takeuchi, former executive director of the Tokyo Human Rights Enlightenment Association, as the guest speaker). Additionally, 16 companies (equating to 86% of the previous year's engagement) autonomously conducted their customized training programs. An example of such a program is the annual Human Rights Enlightenment Slogan contest, which garnered an impressive 249 submissions.